Signal requesting devices
Standard-compliant and cost-efficient
Germany’s road network continues to grow and traffic density is constantly on the rise. Studies show that pedestrians are particularly at risk in urban traffic, especially senior citizens, visually impaired and blind people. The persistently high number of pedestrians killed in traffic is a subject of increasing public scrutiny. The situation is also becoming more dangerous due to technological progress and the noise reduction it entails for many different vehicles. Langmatz has been helping to improve road safety for over 30 years with its innovative products. They include
modern signal requesting devices for traffic light installations that ensure safe crossing of roads.

easyguide EK424
For pedestrians
Excellent protection against vandalism
Sensor or push-button

basicguide EK 524
For pedestrians
For pedestrians and visually impaired
Excellent protection against vandalism
Sensor or push-button

soundguide plus
For pedestrians
For pedestrians and visually impaired
Excellent protection against vandalism

crossguide EK533
For pedestrians
For pedestrians and visually impaired
Excellent protection against vandalism
Sensor or push-button
Here you find important information to download.